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  • Restauracja Dwóch Świętych mieści się w Pensjonacie Małopolanka na Deptaku krynickim. Wybór dań i win stanowi szeroką ofertę w której każdy smakosz znajdzie coś dla siebie. Serdecznie zapraszamy more

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Tadeusz Tempka

Tadeusz Tempka was born on October 15, 1885 in Cracow. He died on March 14, 1974 in Cracow. He did a degree in Medicine at the Jagiellonian University of Cracow in 1910. From 1928 he had been a professor and lecturer at the Jagiellonian University. In 1946 he became a member of the Polish Skills Academy and in 1952 a member of the Polish Academy of Sciences. He was a pioneer in the cytological examination of the bone marrow. He launched a Polish Hematological Society in 1949. He also worked on the anaemia malignant – he described leukaemia cells, sometimes called Tempka-Brown cells. His another passion was balneology. It started with his clinical research of ‘Zubera’ waters. During the interwar years he chaired the Polish Balneology Society and was an editor of the magazine ‘Acta Balneologica Polonica’. In his magazine he promoted balneotherapy against the diseases of the digestive and circulatory system. By his works Krynica became recognisable as a health resort of very good value and quality.            

After war he was a consultant and scientific patron of the sanatorium ‘Lwigród’, and later of the New Spa House. In that period 70 scientific works were published on: waters of Krynica-,Zuber’, ‘Tadeusz’, ‘Jan’, ‘Główny’, and ‘Słotwinka’, balneotherapy in ulcerous disease, gastritis, anaemia, hypertension, electrolyte equilibrium, neurotic syndromes and many other diseases. These publications describe medical profiles of Krynica and allow to find a scientific reason for which patient should be treated in the mentioned health resort.                  

For his merits for the Polish balneology and for Krynica itself professor Tempka was awarded with a golden medal and Diploma of Honour on the occasion of the 50th jubilee of his scientific profession by the Balneological Society. Spring known as a hydrogen carbonate chalybeate acidic water ‘Tadeusz’ was named after professor Tempka. It is perfect for treatment of the anaemia caused by iron deficiency.