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Krynica surroundings



Mochnaczka is the vast village divided into two parts: Mochnaczka Low (closer Tylicz) and Mohnaczka High. It is situated in the valley of Mochnaczka creek, a tributary of Muszynka, and on the road to Tylicz-Crossing at a height of 550 – 650 m. above sea level. To the west of the village stretches a mountain range with distinctive peaks of Hawrylakówka (745 m), Wierszek (754 m), Kotylnica 788 m) and Huzary (865 m). From the east side of Mochnaczka piling up the peaks of : Rozdziele (789 m), Piorun (743 m), Mizarne (770 m) and Szwarne (785 m). The north road from Mochnaczka High leads to Krynica, the east panel road, goes to Izby.


Mochnaczka Niżna (Low) was founded in 1589, and Wyżna (High) in 1629. Both sediments were deposited on the raw root. Like other neighbouring villages, they were ruled by the bishops of Cracow. Until the nineteenth century the village formed a passing point on the popular track from Grybów, then through Tylicz Pass and into Hungary. Since seventeenth century there were two Greek Catholic churches in Mochnaczka, a mill, a fulling mill, a sawmill, and two roadside inns. Local Lemkos engaged themselves in the carriage of goods to Hungary, some of them became highwaymen. After the liquidation of Muszyński State in 1812, the village passed from the hands of the Austrian camera into private hands. At the turn of the century there was a movement whose leaders intended to create a kind of Lemko State. It was at this time when the school was founded here and reading meetings organised by Kaczkowski started to take place. In 1918, the village was reported to participate in organizing the “Republic of Lemkos” in Florynka village. However, there were not any military incidents.

In Mochnaczka Poles lived together with Lemkos and Jews. In 1945 the local population was divided by a communist propaganda and many Lemkos went to Soviet Union as returnees, others were expelled during the "Wisła" operation.


In Mochnaczka there is a Greek Catholic church of St Michael and some interesting chapels:

Greek Catholic church of St Michael.

That church was founded in the eighteenth century, built in the type of North-West Lemko. Oriented, made of timber, timbered, originally trigeminal. Now consists of an elongated new presbytery, the former presbytery which is a bit wider, even wider aisles and an elongated, rectangular place for women. The eastern part of the new presbytery serves as the sacristy. The tower is of pole-frame structure with sloping walls crowned a cornice with painted clocks and covered with tin roofs. The roof is of an interesting example combining different types of architectural solutions. All towers are crowned onion domes ornamented with lanterns, and iron crosses. On the walls inside there is an ornamental and figural polychrome painted by Czeslaw Lenczowski and Stanisław Kruczek in 1960-1964. Between the chancel and the nave we can see a complete iconostasis from the nineteenth century, which includes the older icons. The path leads up to the church from an asphalt road and at it’s beginning there is a wooden gate with ornate sculpture of Troubled Christ. Since 1947, the church is used as a Roman Catholic church of Our Lady of Częstochowa. Masses are held on Sundays and holidays at 8.00, 10.30 and 16.00.

Chapel of the Birth of Mother of God

The chapel dates back from 1787. It is an old Greek Catholic wooden church, sponsored by the local Greek Catholic priest, Fr. Czyrniański. It is of a log construction with a tower on western side. Inside there is a Baroque altar from the late eighteenth century and the Baroque - Classicist iconostasis of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century. The walls are decorated with polychrome. Today the chapel is in a care of St Michael’s sisters who live in nearby buildings of the former rectory.

Brick Chapel in Mochnaczka Wyżna from around 1700. Next to it grows a monument of nature - dioecious ash.

In Mochnaczka attention deserve also residues of Lemko construction, stone crosses and old trees at various points of the village: oak, ash, larch, linden.

See accomodation in Mochnaczka

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