Krynica Zdroj is a town in the province of Małopolska, Nowy Sącz County.
Provincial roads: 971 and 981st lead to it.
An exemplary distance between some Polish cities and Krynica-Zdroj
Białystok - 579 km
Bydgoszcz - 643 km
Gdańsk - 744 km
Lublin - 310 km
Łódź - 401 km
Katowice - 220 km
Kraków - 140 km
Olsztyn - 595 km
Poznań - 600 km
Rzeszów - 143 km
Szczecin - 892 km
Warszawa - 385 km
Wrocław - 411 km
PKS (bus)
Examples of bus connections from Krakow to Krynica (approximately 140 km):
- Departure 05:10, arrival 08:05
- Departure10:50, arrival 13:55
- Departure 12:30, arrival 15:25
- Departure 13:30, arrival 16:35
- Departure 15:45, arrival 18:25
- Departure 16:50, arrival 19:55
- Departure 18:15, arrival 21:17
- Departure 18:30, arrival 21:30
- Departure 19:30, arrival 22:15
Search all connections from Kraków >>>
Examples of bus connections from Nowy Sącz to Krynica (approx. 32 km):
05:45 F
07:40 F
08:25 CL
08:25 F
10:10 Lp
10:40 6
11:35 BL
12:20 Nn
13:10 Lp
14:40 Lp
15:50 Gp
19:10 Tp
21:35 Gn
6 - runs on Saturdays
B - runs every day apart from Saturdays
C - runs on Saturdays, Sundays and festive days
F - runs on working day from Monday to Friday
G - does not run on Corpus Christi, 25-26 Dec.,1 January and Easter Sunday and Monday
L - does not run 25-26 Dec,1.Jan. and on Easter Sunday and Monday
N - does not run on 25 Dec. and Easter Sunday
S - runs on school days
p - express
n – does not run on Holy Saturday and 24 i 31.Dec.
s - does not run on 25 December
T - does not run on Corpus Christi ,24-26, 31Dec. ,1January, Holy Saturday, Easter Sunday and Monday
Timetable - departures from NOWY SĄCZ >>>